Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The call for world peace

There is a call for world peace.The world that we live in today is full of all the wrongs anyone can think of.We hear of wars and rumours of wars.The heart of everyone has become so harden and full of evil.Economically powerful nations are using their wealth to perpetuate and sponsor nuclear and atomic activities.This has taken us no where.We talk of eradicating sicknesses and diseases in the world but new and more dangerous ones are being discovered everyday that are wrecking and crippling our society.It is time for us to live as one just the way we were made to be from creation.It is time to laydown our arms and work towards a peaceful and more tranquil society.What we need is just love for one another.If we can love ourselves and respect our differences I believe strongly that this world that we live in can indeed become again a place to be.

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